About Tabernacle of Praise
At Tabernacle of Praise, we blend the timeless teachings of the 1st-century church with the vibrant, fast-paced life of the 21st century. Our church is a welcoming community where God's presence is felt, and everyone is encouraged to grow. The Tabernacle of Praise is a vibrant and diverse community of believers committed to upholding the values of God’s Presence, Evangelism, Family, Diversity, Volunteerism, and Excellence. Whether you're a young family, single, or just looking for a new church home, you'll find a place here to connect, serve, and thrive. Our church is where people from all walks of life come together to worship, grow, and serve.
This is a great space to share our story and the impact we aim to make in the world. We are dedicated to serving our congregation and the broader community. Through our various ministries and programs, we strive to make a difference and spread the love of Jesus to all. Our core values guide us in spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ in fresh, meaningful ways. Join us and be part of a community that supports and uplifts each other while positively impacting the world.
Our Mission

Tabernacle of Praise exists to Love God, Love People, and Love Truth
Our Vision
Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18
Our vision at Tabernacle of Praise is for you to know Him and make Him known.
We exist so that people far from God can experience the endless possibilities of following Christ.
We have a twofold purpose: to know Him and make Him known.
We are a church that helps families become balanced.
We are focusing on what is important to God.
We teach obedience to the Great Commandment and Great Commission.
We see growth by a five-fold balance.
Our Values
At Tabernacle of Praise, we undertand that our values will shape our destiny.
God's Presence—We believe this is a must in our services. The Holy Spirit will lead us.
Evangelism - We will aggressively tell our world about Christ.(Great Commission)
- Excellence - We will give God our very best in everything we do to bring Him glory.
Creativity - We will wrap worship around the world through creativity and innovation.
Family - We will endeavor to establish healthy and balanced children, students, and individuals.
Volunteers - We will develop and empower an army of people who will serve and improve our community.
Diversity—We are committed to having a cultural, generational, and socially diverse church where everyone from any walk of life can come and grow in Christ.
Service - We will be a Matthew 25 church and be the hands of Christ extended.
We Value People - We believe the Tabernacle of Praise will grow at the speed of relationships. We will build healthy relationships where real change can happen in every life.
Our Faith
The church must have a strong foundation in the Scriptures, teaching line upon line and precept upon precept.
Father in creation
Son in redemption
Holy Spirit in reconciliation
At Tabernacle of Praise, we believe:
The Bible is the inspired, infallible word of God.
There is only ONE true and living God, manifested as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
That Jesus is the "visible image of the invisible God."
That Jesus was begotten of the Father, conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of virgin birth.
That Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose from the dead to pay for our sins and give us eternal life.
That every sinner must be born again "of water and of the Spirit" to enter into the Kingdom of God.
In water baptism in Jesus' name, by immersion.
Believers will speak with others' tongues when baptized by the Holy Spirit.
In celebrating the Lord's Supper
In the working of the gifts of the Spirit in the Church
In divine healing
In the second coming of Christ
Our Pastors and Leadership Team
Pastor Don Bittick
Following Bishop Fuller's mentoring, Pastor Don Bittick continues the “line upon line, precept upon precept” ministry at the Tabernacle of Praise. He is passionate about teaching Truth and encourages involvement when presenting the Word. He also works closely with the College and Career Ministry at Tabernacle of Praise.
Bishop Fuller
Pastor David Fuller is passionate about teaching the Word, “line upon line, precept upon precept.” He and his wife, Iwona, founded and have pastored the Tabernacle of Praise for 25 years. Pastor Fuller has evangelized in 35 states and is passionate about missionary work, having been to numerous countries, including Brazil, Mexico, England, and Poland. He continues to mentor leaders worldwide and has become known as the "Pastor's pastor.”